Saturday, May 16, 2015


"I once sat in the original Batmobile."
Hank Muntak
'Parks & Recreation'

As far as Toobworld is concerned, Hank was talking about the actual Batmobile, used by the Batman in Gotham City back in the 1960s.

But he wasn't the only resident of Earth Prime-Time to do so.  Here we see that Thelma Evans Anderson got the chance to sit in the driver's seat at some point in the last few years.  (Back in happier days when her husband Keith was still alive.*)

Drew Carey and Mimi Bobeck were also in a Batmobile, but it was more than likely a prop from one of the movies that were produced and based on the "true" life of the original Batman.


* Sadly, Keith Anderson recently passed away.  It may have been due to injuries from his football career.....

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