Monday, June 24, 2019




There were five children’s books about horses seen and/or mentioned in this episode, only of which was real.  That was “Black Beauty” and we’ll have more on that for Wednesday.

These were the four fictional books:
  • “Caring For Your Pony”
  • “Ride Like The Wind”
  • “Blue Ribbon for Binky”
  • “Gypsy Wins Through”
Now here's the thing:

Russell Lewis has filled previous episodes with so many "Easter Egg" references and crossovers from other sources - not just from other TV series, but from movies, songs, literature, plays, etc - that I would not be surprised to find out that these titles had a life in some other fictional venue.  But so far I haven't found any attributio

Do they sound familiar to you?  Let me know.

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