Tuesday, May 28, 2019


From Wikipedia:
Following [James] Doohan's death, several Scottish towns campaigned to be named Scotty's "official birthplace". Scripts, production materials and Doohan's family support Linlithgow's claim to being Scotty's birthplace. However, Scotty says in "Wolf in the Fold" (1967) that he is "an old Aberdeen pub crawler", and Aberdeen city leaders proposed plans to erect a monument to the actor and character. 

I don't see a problem here.  Scotty could still have been (that is, will be) born in Linlitgow.  Later, when he grows up, Scotty could be attending the University of Aberdeen's School of Engineering.  And when is a better time to go pub-crawling than while at college?

There is one way to find out for sure....



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