Monday, March 2, 2015


One day after we abandoned the year-long theme of only British entries into the Television Crossover Hall of Fame in order to celebrate Robert Conrad's 80th birthday, we're doing it once again for another member of the League of Themselves.  Only this time it's for a more somber occasion - on Friday Leonard Nimoy passed away at the age of 83.

This will be an induction ceremony similar to that of Adam West's, in that Nimoy is being inducted twice into the Hall - once as himself in Earth Prime-Time and as himself in the Tooniverse.

And as was the case with Jonathan Winters as Maude Frickert, Nimoy is being mostly inducted on the strength of his participation in a slew of blipverts.

A lot of celebrities lend their names to shill products on the Toob, but as you can see from the following videos a tele-semblance of Nimoy's life during prime-time plays out through most of the commercials.  We get to see him arrive for an audition, show up for a sci-fi convention, reunite with some old co-workers, go shopping (including Christmas shopping), and spend quality time with his family.  Plus we learn that not only was he a serlinguist, but that he was more than qualified to play Mr. Spock, having the mutant power of teleportation.


We have one last addition to his list of qualifications for entry - this scene from 'The Big Bang Theory' establishes that Nimoy's televersion does exist in the main Toobworld even if he doesn't show up.  (At least he does make kind of a contribution to the proceedings.....)

And then there are his appearances in the Tooniverse, and you can tell he had a lot of fun poking fun at his public persona.....

Jumping ahead 1,000 years.....

 Click on the picture!

Unfortunately, I couldn't find a video clip to illustrate his third submission for this second entry into the TVXOHOF, but here's the description:

"Where No Duckman Has Gone Before"

First Aired: Aug. 23, 1997 on USA
Summary: After Leonard Nimoy eats a headcheese hoagie, he goes to bed and has a dream (or nightmare?) where he imagines the 'Duckman' gang as 'Star Trek' characters.

And so we welcome Leonard Nimoy as he beams into the Hall of Fame, twice over.  I just wish we had good reason to delay the ceremony....

"My ride's here......"

(And hopefully this coming Sunday we can get back to our regularly scheduled programming with the TXOHOF inductions.....



Jim Peyton said...

Brilliant -- Thank you sir. The Audi commercial made me spit coffee

Jim Peyton said...

Brilliant -- Thank you sir. The Audi commercial made me spit coffee

Lisa said...

Wonderful tribute -- I can't believe that "Duckman" isn't around anyplace -- I need to see it again! Beautiful appreciation!