But it was another case in which the doppelgangers of other TV characters who were connected in the past will also eventually connect with each other.
What I did find interesting about it was that it was basically under the radar, publicity-wise. I found mentions of it at David Bianculli's blog and in Mark Dawidziak's column. (Of course, I didn't try very hard to find other examples. Just too lazy.)
But even so, there was a big difference between this and the publicity blitz over the reunion in that same series between Betty White and Mary Tyler Moore. It was being trumpeted in the press months before it happened!

As for Wendie Malick, how about Brian Benben from 'Dream On' or Laura San Giacomo from 'Just Shoot Me'? If they want to keep it an estrogen-fest, then perhaps Dennie Dillon from 'Dream On' instead of Benben - her caustic sense of humor would be a good match against that of Betty White's Elka......
A big thanks to my dear friend, Michael Cleary, for insisting I watch the Bonnie Franklin episode. (I have to confess I'm not a fan of the show.)
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