Here's the actor who played the part, Vladimir Cosigny:

I'm putting this out there as a suggestion to casting directors - get this kid for some TV show over here in America! I think you'll find he's going to bring in a lot of female eyes to whatever show you put him in.
Here are a few suggestions:
'ENTOURAGE' - Remember "Bizarro Jerry" on 'Seinfeld'? Cosgny could be the French version of Vincent Chase, and a possible threat when it comes to landing certain roles - and women.
'GOSSIP GIRL' - He'd be perfect as a foreign exchange student, but whether he ends up with one of the girls or one of the guys....?
'VAMPIRE DIARIES' or 'TRUE BLOOD' - Perhaps as a vampire from France or even down home-grown Louisiana bloodsucker? How hard can it be to take his natural accent and fine-tune it to Cajun?
Any of the procedural shows as a possible suspect in a murder investigation would be a likely way to go, or a 'White Collar' case, a 'Leverage' caper; maybe a 'Burn Notice' client ......
Sitcoms like 'Community', 'How I Met Your Mother', '30 Rock'......
I wonder if he'll turn up in other Brit shows like 'New Tricks' or 'Doctor Who'.....?
There's a YouTube video out there of a scene from this movie "Hellphone". I don't feel right embedding it or even linking to it, but it certainly shows Cosigny would be willing to take chances in a production.
You'll find it, don't worry.....
You do know how gay this makes you sound right?
I knew I was taking a chance... of hearing from people like you....
Hey, Anonymous, I don't suppose you care to give us your name, do you? No? Grow some balls before you insult my friends, asswipe.
Thanks for the support, Sean, but it's cool. I'm pretty certain it's a friend of mine; the phrasing is how he'd say something, and it's close to a catch-phrase for him. I'm sure he'll own up to it sooner or later....
But I did appreciate the response!
hes Fit. Put him in any movie ill be the first one to come watch it. PHWORRRR
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