Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, we're running late with our last induction into the TV Crossover Hall of Fame for November. (In fact, I've snuck upstairs at my cousins' house to post this, while they're all downstairs preparing the feast! And I've been celebrating the season, so excuse any mis-spellings you find....)
This whole year we've been celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Hall, and with each month there's been an induction for each week on a special theme: League of Themselves, As Seen On TV, The Tooniverse, and for this final week: Location, Location, Location!
Traditionally, November has always had a political tone for the induction - either a politician or a newscaster. So for the location, what better choice than the White House?
Like the OK Corral and the Playboy Mansion, (both inducted earlier this year), the White House is a real place. Duh. But it has been the setting for many a fictional scene in TV series, tele-flicks, comedy sketches, cartoons, and I think even in commercials.
The TV White House is spread out across several TV dimensions including the Tooniverse, Skitlandia, and the Toobworld where Stupidity reigns ('The Secret Files of Desmond Pfeiffer' and 'That's My Bush!'). And in some TV shows it's the main setting for most of the action:
'The West Wing'
'Capiton Critters'
'Hail To The Chief'
'Mr. President'
'Backstairs At The White House'
'Corey In The House'
O'Bviously any tele-biography of our Presidents would probably include scenes set in the White House:
'John Adams'
'The Adams Chronicles'
'Gore Vidal's Lincoln'
'Path To War'
'Blind Ambition'
And there are those shows that have had characters visit the White House including 'The Lucy Show', 'The Twilight Zone', 'The Wild, Wild West', 'The Unit', 'The Agency', and 'Nancy' (well, her Dad lived there anyway.)
And in a blend of reality and tele-reality, there's the White House tour conducted by Jackie Kennedy.....
So now that the White House is celebrating its 209th year of Presidential residency this month (John Adams moved in there on November 1st, 1800), I think this is a proper Toobworld tribute for the joint.....
You left out the most important, impressive White House show ever: "The Secret Diary of Desmond Pfeiffer" =~>
Oh--never mind. I was looking for the word "Diary" so I didn't see your slight variation...
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