In time, the questions began to broaden as people wondered if somebody else was responsible for her death; that it was murder, not suicide. Among those suspected were the mob, Communists, her psychiatrist, and the Kennedys.
There are plenty of links out there that take a look at this. Here are just four of them.

In Toobworld, the evidence leans toward suicide despite how much
all of these conspiracies lend themselves to the basic nature of the TV Universe. That's because of an episode of 'Quantum Leap', in which Sam leapt into the life of someone close to the movie star during her final days. (It was one of two episodes of the series in which producer Donald Bellisario wanted to showcase his personal beliefs as to what happened in these mysteries of History. The other episode was about Lee Harvey Oswald, and Bellisario believes he was a lone gunman, with no over-riding conspiracy behind him.)

Toby O'B
Toby O'B
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