I spent my days off up at the Lake with my brother Bill and it was beautiful weather for it! Not warm enough for swimming, O'Bviously, but still..... (Bill did go out in the kayak; I was content to sit on the porch.)
On Wednesday night, we had dinner with my sister Leah and her family and my other brother AJ, to remember our parents for their 54th anniversary, as well as to celebrate AJ finishing his electrician's schooling.

The cable's not on yet at the Lake, but that was fine - Leah owns the house up behind the place and all I really needed to see was 'Lost' on Thursday night. Got to see 'Scrubs', '30 Rock', and 'The Office' as well. (The 8 pm half hour in which I'd normally have seen 'My Name Is Earl' was given over to story-time with my nephew Tommy. But I did get to see a good chunk of it anyway while he was off finding new books for me to read.)
I went up to the Lake prepared - DVDs! We watched 'Hot Fuzz' - fourth time for me, first for Bill - as well as the remake of the magician's episode by Levinson & Link from the 90s version of 'Burke's Law', an episode of 'Riverboat' which guest-starred Vera Miles, Robert Vaughn, and Madlyn Rhue, "The Mysterious Affair At Styles", and a 1977 TV musical: "Once Upon The Brothers Grimm" which starred Dean Jones, Paul Sand, Arte Johnson, Teri Garr, Ruth Buzzi, Chita Rivera, Clive Revill, Todd Lookinland, Sorrell Brooke, Cleavon Little, and John McCook. [The liner notes on this home-made disk say that Madeline Kahn is in it, but they were mistaken. Music was by Mitch Leigh and lyrics from Sammy Cahn.]
I also brought along a six episode collection of a moldy oldie, 'Gang-Busters', but never got around to cracking it open.
Good thing I had all those to watch, because my brother forgot to bring up my laptop from his house. Even though it's dial-up and is fading fast in some respects, it still could have kept me up-to-date with Toobworld Central and with my e-mails in general - By the time I got back to New York yesterday, I had over forty e-mails to address!
So I apologize for the lack of at least the daily Tiddlywinkydinks for the last few days.
But the way those days off turned out, I wouldn't have missed it for anything!
Toby OB
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