Dear Friend,
The studios thought they could cross their arms and ignore the writers until financial hardship set in and they gave up. They didn't count on the fact that this time, the writers didn't need "big media" to get their message out. This time, they have the internet.
Thank you for sending emails to the network executives in charge of your favorite shows and letting them know that it's time to give the writers a fair share. So far, nearly 20,000 emails have been sent. With the help of the fans who are willing to spread the word, the WGA can and will prevail in its struggle to win fair wages for working people from the AMPTP.
What can you do now?
Please tell your friends and family to send emails to network executives, too. The more people they hear from, the more they'll know that people are aware of what's going on, and they care about what's at stake.
You can do it here:
Happy holidays to you, your friends and family, and thank you again for your support.
Jane, Christy, Pach, Siun and the crew at firedoglake.com
If you could help the cause to get this strike resolved (and hopefully in the writers' favor!), that would be fantastic. And as full disclosure, let me just add that I'm hoping you'll help out for purely selfish reasons. I have tons of stuff from TV's past which I could write about here, but I needs me some fresh material as well!
So thanks from all of me at Toobworld Central!
Toby OB
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