Wednesday, January 1, 2025



From the IMDb:
Sister Boniface investigates when the creator of a "Professor Y" convention goes missing in her village, unraveling a mysterious disappearance.

The inaugural convention of the canceled BBC science fiction show Professor Y comes to Great Slaughter, hoping to have the show recommissioned. Organized by obsessed fan club president Roger Crabtree, Barbara Pierce who has invested her inheritance and fan Sister Peter, it stars lead actor Kirk Fabricant, actress Celeste Carmichael and even more blase script writer Douglas Wiseman, who is particularly loathsome to the fans and is more interested in promoting his new show starring Celeste Carmichael.

When a pool of blood and a mysterious green liquid is found in Wiseman's hotel room, Sam and Felix interview everyone while Sister Boniface looks for forensic clues that lead to a number of suspects and their troubled lives. Newspaper reporter Norman Whalley, still smitten with Peggy, desperately hopes for the scoop to save his job. Professor Y's performer and his major enemy the metallic Zybok go missing adding to the mystery.

There are too many references to 'Doctor Who' as a TV series in other TV shows to deny the existence of its televersion. 

Just a few examples:
  • 'The Big Bang Theory'
  • 'Criminal Minds'
  • 'Supernova'
  • 'Kingdom'

The actors who played the Doctor in the TV Universe included the televersions of Peter Cushing, Jon Pertwee, and David Tennant.  (And a few who are not connected to the show in the Trueniverse.)

And of course, being a popular series, of course it would be lampooned.  Hence, 'Professor Y' within an episode of 'The Sister Boniface Mysteries'.

However, it was supposedly presented by the televersion of the BBC.  The televersion of 'Doctor Who' would have been presented by Toobworld's Auntie Beeb as well. 

So why would they put on an obvious rip-off to their cash cow?

Maybe they weren't ripping off 'Doctor Who'.  Maybe within the TV Universe, the BBC presented 'Professor Y' as a spin-off?

Meh.  It's possible.....

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