Wednesday, January 1, 2025


I have advocated this in the past - bring back Colin Baker to 'Doctor Who'... but not as the Sixth Incarnation.

Prime-Time has marched on and Baker no longer looks like his Doctor at the point of regeneration.  This was proven within the soul of the Thirteenth Incarnation when she communed with the "spirits" of some of her past Incarnations.  

At least there, it was a landscape of the soul and mind, they could look like - or wore - anything they preferred.

But we see him and Peri here on board the TARDIS now helmed by the Fifteenth Incarnation.  If he was to have a physical presence in some hypothetical fan fiction, than I suggest applying the principle of Occam's Razor and go for the simplest "splainin to do":

Baker would not be appearing as the Sixth Incarnation of the Doctor.  He would be on board with Peri Brown as an earlier character he played - Commander Maxil.

From the TARDIS Wiki:
Zealous and humourless, Maxil was a Time Lord commander of Gallifreyan Chancellery Guard and Castellan of the High Council.

Maxil became Commander of the Chancellery Guard. During this time, he stunned the Fifth Doctor with a staser blast and confined him in a cell under the Capitol to await the judgement of President Borusa and the High Council. He also planted a listening device in the Doctor's TARDIS on the orders of Castellan Jerricho. (TV: Arc of Infinity)

He may have been a Time Lord but that doesn't mean he is frozen in Time in any particular Incarnation.  That body would have continued to age until it was forced to regenerate.

So if Baker is in this picture as Maxil, then we can assume he didn't regenerate since last we saw him.  

And as for fanfic...?

I think it would be sweet if Maxil was reunited with Peri and where once they were antagonistic to each other, perhaps she was able to break him out of his hard-hearted humorless shell.  And eventually she could see something of the Doctor, more than just something of a facial resemblance. 

It would make a nice variation to the Beauty and the Beast trope.

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