Monday, September 11, 2023


The Toobworld Dynamic has established plenty of traditions over the years, in what we cover annually and certain months representing specific categories for the inductions into the Television Crossover Hall of Fame.

But there’s one tradition that I wish was never started - remembering the tragedy of the 9/11 attacks and the collapse of the World Trade Center in 2001.

The Toobworld Dynamic paid tribute the next month by inducting the Twin Towers into the TVXOHOF for the appearances of its televersions in TV series, TV movies, and even music videos.  (Not sure about commercials.)  And every year we chose to showcase their appearance in a different production.

This year I found a “new” one which I only just saw for the first time back in January.  It showed up several times in the 1991 TV movie “Perry Mason: The Case Of The Fatal Fashion”.  Perry and Della were in New York City because Perry was going to receive an award from a national bar association.  While there, Della reconnected with an old friend who would be charged with the murder of a fashion magazine rival.

To remind the audience that they were in the Big Apple, every so often the movie came out of the commercial break with a view of the World Trade Center from different angles.  Here are those appearances….

The O'B-OCD in me wanted to put those pictures in the order of a daily passage of Time.  But as far as I remember it (because of how I labeled them), this is the order in which they appeared.

Today, keep the 2,996 souls lost that day in mind, as well as those who later died from ancillary causes....

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