Wednesday, January 1, 2020


Every so often, I stumble across a picture that makes me think of ‘Doctor Who’.  It doesn’t take much.

Back in January of last year, I saw this picture on Facebook.  I’m writing this up only a few days later, and I can’t even remember what the post was about.  I figure it was something personal, dealing with the source’s personal information.  O’Bviously the house had gone through renovation and I guess the third picture was where it was located. 

It’s because of the house alteration that I thought of ‘Doctor Who’.  I got an idea that this house could be an actual TARDIS, much like Professor Chronotis’ rooms at St. Cedd’s.  Whoever this Time Lord could be, they used the chameleon circuit to make some adjustments to the look of the TARDIS to fit their current mood.  Eventually, for whatever reason, the Time Lord had to skedaddle and left the area, leaving an empty lot where the TARDIS house once was.

Just a daydream…..

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