Wednesday, January 1, 2020


We’ve got a sequel to a past post in the “Who’s On First?” blogathon….

A few years ago I wrote a “Fanficcer’s Friend” dealing with the photoshop possibilities in switching the faces of characters in the ‘Doctor Who’ saga.  The example used was the Fourth Incarnation of the Doctor and the Master.

I thought maybe the Wire might have been involved.  But maybe there is an alien species that needs to switch faces of others and feeds off the energy that such a procedure generates, in much the same way that a Weeping Angel feeds off the unused potential energy of those they send back into the Past.

So somebody in the world of the Interwebz played around with Photoshop and revisited the concept of the Doctor getting his faced switched again.  This time it was the Tenth Incarnation and his Companion Rose.

Here’s an added bonus to any possible fan fiction – the story should take place on or immediately following the events of December 21, 1970 – when President Richard Nixon met Elvis Presley in the Oval Office. 

As you can see by this version of the most famous photo of Presley, that alien must have attacked them at the time the picture was taken.  The Doctor and Rose, already transformed, arrive in pursuit but are too late.  Now they have to capture the alien and bring it back to the White House to “put right what once went wrong.”

Anything more than that will be up to the person who wants to write such a story.

Here’s an added twist for any story a fanficcer might scribble: the story takes place in December of 1971.  President Nixon had already met the Doctor in July of 1969.  But that was the next incarnation of the Doctor.  As he was at this juncture in his life, the Doctor hasn’t met Nixon, although he does know the man’s history.

Interested in writing up the story?  If you do, I’d love to read it.  Contact me and let me know where you’ve posted it so I can check it out.

It’s no spoiler to say that the Doctor and Rose would be successful in realigning the faces of the President and the King.


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