Tuesday, January 1, 2019


I'm surprised this theory of "relateeveety" before never occurred to me before.......

From the 'Hustle' wiki:
Danny Blue grew up in a family of career criminals, when he was 17, his uncle used him as a lookout while he and his crew robbed a casino in Windsor. They cleaned the place out. It was a professional job and they took the CCTV tapes with them. Although after watching them go in and out of prison throughout his youth he ran away, determined not to go straight, but to be a better criminal. Escaping to London, he became a master "dip", then moved up to the short con and mastered that as well. Egotistical and ambitious, Danny is determined not just to be good but to be the best, and sought out the crew of confidence men run by Michael Stone to learn and master the long con.

From the TARDIS Data Core wiki:
Elton Pope was a transport manager who did retail logistics for a "modest little haulage company" in London. He was a fan of Jeff Lynne and the Electric Light Orchestra.

Elton encountered the Tenth Doctor several times, first at the age of three or four, when he was awoken by the sound of the Doctor's TARDIS materialising. He went downstairs to find his mother dead in the corner of his lounge and the Doctor standing in the middle of the room. The Doctor said that his mother had been killed. He later explained to Elton that she had been killed by an Elemental Shade which had escaped from the Howling Halls.

After the series of alien invasions and other similar events leading up to 2007, Elton co-founded a group called LINDA with four others who were interested in the Doctor.

I can't say for certain that Danny's real last name was Pope, but I believe "Blue" was an alias - probably chosen by Danny because it sounded cool.  It's my contention that Danny and Elton were of the "Identical Cousin" category.  Probably the late Mrs. Pope was the sister of Danny's Dad.  Then again, this could have been that other type of "Identical Cousin" - considering Danny's family were all shifty criminal types, it's likely Danny's Dad fooled around behind his wife’s back.  (And we never did learn what happened to Mr. Pope, only that Mrs. Pope had been killed by an Elemental Shade.  So if she was a widow or divorced, maybe she was lonely and accepted the romantic advances from Danny’s Dad.  And he probably hid the fact that he was already married.]


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