Tuesday, January 1, 2019


Good afternoon, Team Toobworld.  Glad to see you're still with us by this point!

I've come to talk to you about... daffodils.....


Held each year on the last weekend in April, the Meriden Daffodil Festival is fun for the whole family! With exciting rides, unique and creative foods, a juried craft fair, and an amazing fireworks show—all set against 600,000 beautiful daffodils—we truly have it all. And thanks to the generous local community, parking, shuttle bus service, admission, and entertainment on our three stages is all FREE! 

From the TARDIS Data Core:
Daffodils were a form of flower found on Earth.

The Master and the Autons once used Auto-jets disguised as plastic daffodils in an attempt to take over the Earth. (TV: Terror of the Autons)

The Twelfth Doctor once defeated a broadsword-wielding Bors using a daffodil. (TV: The Magician's Apprentice)

So there you have it, Fanficcers - a chance to write up a story in which the Doctor has to once again deal with the alien threat of daffodils.  But this time in my hometown of Meriden, Connecticut!

I once asked my friends in the Connecticut Whovian Facebook page for their suggestions of an historical event in Connecticut which could be the setting for a 'Doctor Who' story.  My suggestion was the Hartford Circus Fire which my uncle survived as a kid, as did Charles Nelson Reilly who was the same age.  Someone else mentioned the Charter Oak.

But here we could have a modern day tale - look at all those potential killers!

Sure, it's a tranquil hillside in Meriden's Hubbard Park, but on the weekend of the festival, it takes on the atmosphere of a carnival.  2018 was an exception, but by the end of April it's usually bright and sunny and warm - a welcome harbinger for the last full month of Spring. 

So there would be lots of people to cause panic - muwhahahaha! - and of course to be killed off.  (Can't have a children's show without plenty of death!)

And just look at the design of  the ordinary daffodil - it has  the look to be a contender for the crown of Nature's Perfect Killing Machine!  It has a barrel shape from which it could shoot projectiles or to be used as a surveillance device.

In fact, as a tip of the hat to Sue Ann Nivens as Aunt Daisy in an episode of 'The Mary Tyler Moore Show', I may one day add "Aunt Daffydil" to the cast of Channelings in my books.  (Channelings are those people in the TV Universe who are half human and half whatever - like the aforementioned Charles Nelson Reilly as a humanoid banana in those 1970s Bic pen commercials.)   Aunt Daffydil would be like the image projected by Sue Ann: sweet... wholesome.... even motherly....  Perfect guise for an assassin!

But enough about my writings.  We're talking about yours; trying to entice you to write about the Doctor once again facing the threat of evil daffodils at the Meriden Daffodil Festival.

The Third and Twelfth Incarnations of the Doctor may have had the hands-on experience of dealing with the deadly daffs. (The Earth-bound Third Incarnation saved the life of his UNIT assistant and eventual Companion Jo Grant.)  But that doesn't necessarily mean you have to use either one of them for your fan fiction.  All the Incarnations between them (and beyond to the Thirteenth) would still have the knowledge of that Auto-jet threat of the plastic daffodils which they could utilize.  And the First and Second Incarnations were no slouches when it came to facing such foes; I'm sure they would come up with something.  (They'd have to!  Otherwise you wouldn't have the other incarnations!)

And it doesn't have to be the Nestene Consciousness again with the plastic daffodils.  Some other alien menace might be behind the attack with a natural threat.  Or it could be a combination of the Nestene with some other alien race.

How about.... the Weeping Angel babies as seen in "Angels Take Manhattan"?

Whaddya say, Fanficcers?  Care to give it a shot?

As always, if you do write up such a tale, please send it along to me so I can enjoy it as well.  And I'd love to showcase it in this annual blogathon.


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