Tuesday, January 1, 2019


At different points in the Future, the Doctor, Amy, and River all met the future ruler of Great Britain - Queen Elizabeth the Tenth.

With the wedding of Prince Harry and American actress Meghan Markle last year on May 19th, there were a lot of online Whovians who squealed with delight that their union would produce an heir who would be the ancestor of Elizabeth X.

To me, that was just cruel.  It infers that not only would something tragic have to happen to Harry's older brother Prince William, but to his three children (George, Charlotte, and Louis) as well.  

Instead, I think Harry and Meghan's union will have an effect on the racial background of Elizabeth X, but in a more tangential way.  That an American divorcee has been accepted into the Royal family is nothing new, (although last time, the King had to abdicate in order to marry.)  But that a Prince of the Realm has been able to marry the woman he loves - who happens to be biracial - might open minds to the possibility that a future heir to the Throne might wish to do the same.  It would certainly show that the British Empire is not homogeneous in its make-up.

Who knows?  Maybe farther down the line, one of Prince William's descendants will fall in love with someone from India, a former bulwark of the Empire to add even more racial diversity to the Royal lineage.

Hey, if it was good enough for Phileas Fogg, it's good enough for a Crown Prince....


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