Tuesday, January 1, 2019


As you’ll see as you look through today’s offerings for the “Who’s On First?” blogAthon, many of the posts fall into the Fanficcers’ Friend category.  That’s where I offer suggestions for storylines to use in your ‘Doctor Who’ fan fiction,  I doubt anybody has taken me up on any of those suggestions in the past, although there was one who did a story on this little-known law in Connecticut which I suggested a few years back.  But I think they stumbled across that law independent of my suggestion.

Every so often I also run another feature – “My Friends In Toobworld” – in which I suggest what the televersions of my friends are up to in the TV Universe based on photos of them in TV-oriented situations.  For instance, Brian posing with Jay Leno, Jon and his lovely wife with the Batmobile in the background, and my favorite topic – Mark and Michael’s continuing space-time adventures with the TARDIS.

So, today… I’m combining them with this post.

Late December of 1999, San Francisco.

Loren Kraut is a friend of mine from the UConn Department of Drama.  1974-77.  She moved to the City By The Bay and now performs out there, doing stand-up comedy.

Around that time, the Seventh Incarnation of the Doctor had to make an emergency landing of the TARDIS in San Francisco while transporting the ashes of the Master back from Skaro (where the Daleks had executed him.)  The details are all in the 1995 TV movie which saw the regeneration of the Doctor into his Eighth Incarnation and involved his escapades in bringing down a reborn Master as the year 2000 was ushered in.  (I’m not saying it was the new millennium as that would not occur until January 1st, 2001.)

There was a lot of artron energy backwash from the TARDIS during that time, which is the excuse I use for a lot of anachronisms which occur in the TV Universe because of production errors.  (A good example – the sight of a TV antenna on a house in Downton, Yorkshire, in the 1920s.)

Within the reality of Toobworld as an alternate universe, those bubbles of loose artron energy are responsible for the pixelated scenes that frequently pop up in our digital age of TV transmissions.  Sometimes those can be quite severe, but they quickly pass and the people affected by it never even notice that it happened.  Usually there are no adverse effects.


And this is where my friend Loren comes in….

On October 19th of 2018, Loren boarded bus #8860 and got a Muni Ticket transfer which she had to use within two hours.  No problem in that; I’m sure it was something she did on a regular basis.  But for whatever reason here in the Real World, she was issued a ticket for Thursday, January 1st, 1970, rather than one for Friday October 19th, 2018.  It was probably some kind of computer glitch.

That was in the Real World, Earth Prime.

But over in Earth Prime-Time, something else was happening.  Loren’s televersion was boarding that bus just as a rogue pool of artron energy backwash from the TARDIS nearly twenty years before swept across them like a tumbleweed.  And after all of that time, the artron energy had become stagnant in its pool and proved to be far more dangerous than just a momentary pixilation alteration.  Loren and the other people on that bus would be swept back in Time to January 1, 1970, with no way they could see for getting back to the Future.

If it sounds like fun and you want to give that premise your own touch as a ‘Doctor Who’ fanfic writer, feel free!  And should you eventually post it online, let me know where to go to read it.  I’d be keenly interested!

This post is dedicated to my friend Loren….



  1. This is fabulous, Toby! I love it. How did I get back to the future?! LOL.

    1. That’s up to any potential fanfic writers out there. You could write an ending based on first hand experience!
