Tuesday, July 31, 2018


Former First Lady and New York Senator Hillary Clinton was the Secretary of State under President Barack Obama in his first term 2009 to 2013.  She served as the inspiration for the CBS drama 'Madam Secretary' and now will be appearing on the show - along with two other former Secretaries of State.

Here's the CBS Twitter announcement from last Tuesday:

We've got some BIG guest stars in store for Season 5! Former Secretaries of State @HillaryClinton, @Madeleine, and Colin Powell will be appearing on the season premiere of #MadamSecretary on Sunday, October 7!

It will be the first time for Powell and Clinton, but Albright is an old hand at appearing on this show. 

Having three powerhouses of diplomacy agree to come on our show is awe-inspiring and humbling. And that we were able to find a time in their busy schedules when they were all available is a miracle,” executive producer Lori McCreary said in a statement.

As this is occurring in Toobworld - and an alternate TV dimension at that! - one thing to remember is that these are not the former secretaries of state from the Trueniverse.  Clinton, Powell, and Albright will be their televersions on our TV screens, doppelgangers in another universe/dimension.  Anything they say or do in this episode cannot be ascribed to their real-life originals.

It also raises questions about the timeline in the Toobworld in which 'Madam Secretary' takes place.  (This is not the dimension in which we find other series of a similar nature - '24', 'The West Wing', 'Commander-in-Chief', 'Designated Survivor' 'Agent X'.  Each of them has their own Toobworld.)

When Madeleine Albright appeared on the show, that was an acknowledgement that Bill Clinton had been the POTUS for that timeline.  But at some point afterward, that world's history changed to reflect this new world.

Now we have to expand that.  Powell served under George W. Bush for his first term from 2001 until 2005.  And as already mentioned, Clinton served until 2013.  So that means the timeline had to be altered after that.

Did that world's Obama serve only one term?  If the world of 'Madam Secretary' has a timeline concurrent with that of the main Earth Prime-Time (and of our own Earth Prime), then the former Secretary of State for President Conrad Dalton, Vincent Marsh, perished in a plane crash in the Atlantic in 2014.

Dalton is now serving his second term, having been elected as an independent.  So that means at least there wouldn't be a President Trump.  Must be nice there....

I don't think they'd do something that radical - the part about Obama serving only one term, that is.  Drumpf would be a different story; I don't think there's anyway to get around the fact that Dalton is serving instead of POTUS #45.

Therefore, I think we have to look at the timeline for this world differently.  This is a world which is set in our future by at least three years.  Conrad Dalton was elected after Obama's two terms in office and they have already had the 2020 presidential election there.  

So everything has to be pushed forward in Time - the crash of Marsh's plane didn't happen in 2014 but instead in 2017.  And that means each of these members of the League of Themselves will be portraying themselves as they might be in 2020.

Big stress on "might be".  Hopefully, all will be well in their lives here in the real world until then.  But if the untoward happens, that will be a major divergence from the real world equal to the idea of Dalton being president instead of that other guy.....

I'll have to watch that October 7th season premiere* to see if anything is mentioned which would contradict this idea.  But however it shakes out, in the end it doesn't really affect the rest of Toobworld since it's in its own TV dimension.  (So far I don't have any other shows which could be added to that world, unlike the dimension for 'The West World'.)


Who am I kidding?  I'd be watching it anyway; I like the show!

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