Monday, July 30, 2018


Figured I'd update a trivial matter behind the scenes in the ongoing adventures I'm cobbling together about Toobworld....

Ever since it first started popping up in 'Lost', McCutcheon Scotch Whiskey has been the go-to "uisce beatha" (the Water of Life) in my Toobworld adventures.  Not only because 'Lost' still holds a high berth in my favorite TV series, but also because Bill McCutcheon was one of my favorite character actors.

But I've come to the conclusion that it should be Full's Irish Dew that should be the premiere blend when I need a whiskey in the text.

Full's Irish Dew is showcased in the last 'Columbo' episode of the original series run in the 1970s - "The Conspirators".  (One of the worst episode titles in the whole series.  So boring!)

The bottle of Full's has a great slogan - "Let Each Man Be Paid In Full", upon which Lt. Columbo expounded.  And the bottle found at the crime scene served up several rounds of clues for the detective as well.

I'll probably still use McCutcheon as well (some character in my books must have a well-stocked bar), but if it has to be one or t'other, Full's Irish Dew gets the nod.


1 comment:

  1. Begorrah bejeebers is a fair old drop of the Irish blarney water!!
