Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Since posting that clip of Damon Lindelof getting kneed in the groin by Thirteen on 'House', I've learned that it wasn't a 'Lost' Zonk after (despite tweets suggesting otherwise by Lindelof himself.)


Apparently he had screwed Thirteen over, which led to her being incarcerated for the death of her brother.

From the TV.com summary:
Thirteen directs House to a suburban home, while House continues to speculate why she ended up in prison. She knocks on the door, and knees a man in the groin when he answers. Thirteen then bends over and talks to him, gets up, and walks back to the car. She doesn't offer an explanation, and says she wants to get something to eat.

At the contest, House and Thirteen are preparing to fire their gun when she mentions that her father used to take "us" to the county fair. House realizes that she has a sibling that Thirteen has never mentioned, and that she's slipped up because the sibling is on her mind. He deduces that she euthanized her brother, who has the same genetic disease, and that the man she attacked was the doctor who wouldn't cover it up. Thirteen says that the man was actually her cellmate's cheating boyfriend, but everything else was true. She congratulates House and walks away.

Oh well.  The tweets were still funny......

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