Tuesday, July 27, 2010


"Super-Station" WNKW made another appearance in Toobworld this week, and on a key series to help bring in the other TV shows in which it appeared - 'White Collar'.

As we wrote about the TV station in the past, WNKW has been seen before in such shows as 'Fringe', 'Invasion', 'Pushing Daisies', and as a major location in 'Jack & Jill'. It also crossed over into the alternate TV dimension that houses 'Spin City'. As a "super-station", WNKW shows up on different TV channels and reporting from different locations (from Florida in 'Invasion' and Boston in 'Fringe'). But it's based in New York City and it was brought home to the Big Apple with its report on the investigations into NY State Senator Gary Jennings. What helps all those other shows is that 'White Collar' has also used another Toobworld staple in the past - the NY Ledger newspaper. It's deeply entrenched into the 'Law & Order' franchise and was even the central location for an ancillary series, 'Deadline'.

In fact, the paper made a return appearance in this week's episode along with WNKW: Because 'Law & Order' is a major element of the Great Link at the heart of the Toobworld concept, then the use of WNKW not only solidifies the presence of 'White Collar' but brings in all of those other shows as well.


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