Wednesday, January 1, 2025



On September 19, 1959, ‘The Invisible Man’ aired its final episode of its first season, “Strange Partners”.  In that episode, Patrick Troughton, the actor who played the Second Incarnation of the Doctor (my favorite!), was one of the guest stars.  He played a miserable old man of failing health whose partner in ownership of a gold mine was determined to see him die, with help from the invisible Dr. Peter Brady.

Also in the regular cast was Deborah Watling as Dr. Brady’s niece Sally.  She was only 11 at the time of that episode.  Nearly a decade later when she was 19, Ms. Watling was working with Troughton again, now playing Victoria Waterfield in ‘Doctor Who’ for 40 episodes, 8 adventures.  (She also appeared in that odd crossover special “Dimensions In Time”.)

But while they were working together again, I can’t technically say they were reunited, because they shared no scenes in “Strange Partners.”  Sally was in the beginning of the episode, at home with her mother and her invisible uncle.  Meanwhile, Vickers didn’t show up at his partner’s house until the storyline was almost over.

A lot of Whovians might not even know Ms. Watling was in 'The Invisible Man', so they would have no idea she worked with the future Time Lord before 'Doctor Who'.

And that means the title for this post holds true, despite being wibbly-wobbly and timey-wimey....

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