Wednesday, January 1, 2025



From MSN:
The 2023 episode "The Star Beast" introduces a new character, Rose Noble, played by trans performer Yasmin Finney. BBC reportedly received 144 complaints regarding her inclusion, with the episode in question receiving 7.6 million viewers in total, meaning the complainers represent only 0.00002% of the episode's audience.

BBC responded to the objections firmly: "As regular viewers of 'Doctor Who' will be aware, the show has and will always continue to proudly celebrate diversity and reflect the world we live in. We are always mindful of the content within our episodes."

Good!  I thought she was a fascinating character – engaging, talented, and yes, very pretty.  Everything one would want in a companion for The Doctor.  (I just wish she would take a new first name now that the influence over her by that pent-up binary cosmic power has diffused.  We’ve already got a Rose and there are so many names out there, with little girls in the audience wishing that if they can’t be the Doctor – whose name is never revealed - they could at least be the Doctor’s sidekick.  It would be nice if they could hear their own names eventually.)

The ending of ‘The Giggle’ revealed that the 14th Incarnation already took Rose Noble on a trip to Mars* – once again going to places he’s been before with other Companions.  So I’m hoping that we will not only see occasional other side trips, but that eventually she will get to travel with the 15th Incarnation as the constant Companion.

* Why he would risk her safety by taking her to Mars is a reckless act; it had better be revealed that he had no control over the TARDIS’ intentions.  He knows the water on the Red Planet has long been infested with a sentient organism which could immediately take over its host once it got into its system.

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