Monday, January 1, 2024



It's just a promo picture, but it captures the subtle differences between both Incarnations.  A regenerated Time Lord changes more than just his physical appearance and his wardrobe tastes.  All of the quirks in his previous personality should be excised and replaced with new ones.

It wasn't noticeable at first, but I think I have it pegged.  The Tenth Incarnation was a go-getter, excitable, eager to explore.  He was wiling to take risks, sometimes as odd yet simple as analyzing foreign matter by tasting it.

Meanwhile, Fourteen, being older, far older, was slower to respond, probably due to his overwhelming suspicions brought on by the mystery of regaining his previous visage.  He was more cynical than Ten.

I don't know if we'll see Fourteen in action ever again, but should he choose to take Rose Noble as his companion, she could go a long way toward relieving him of the weariness resting on his billion-year-old soul; perhaps even bringing him closer to his old self.

But it's doubtful that he would ever return to full normality....

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