Monday, January 1, 2024


Gowron was a master of the glare, but the Weeping Angels were patient.  Eventually, he would need to blink and not even his bat’leth would be able to stave off the touch of one of the Angels in that zeptosecond in which he blinked.

To me, the more interesting question would be where Gowron would have ended up.  It seems that each angel had a different period of time and location to which their victims would be transported.  The Angel who fed off the unrealized life potential of Amy and Rory sent them both to Manhattan, 1938.  Luckily they eluded that building which served as a feeding pen for the Angels.

Could the Angels only send their victims back to a particular span of Time, and only to a specified radius of regions in proximity to their current location?  The Angel who claimed Kathy Nightingale as a victim sent her to Hull, England, in 1920.  But of that quartet of Angels, the one who attacked DS Billy Shipton must have been a young one who could only send him back to 1969 and no farther than the immediate environs of London.  

I think an Angel would be bound by some kind of planetary energies to keep their victims trapped in the Past of whatever planet where they were located.  But if out in space, on the move in a spaceship, I would think being touched by an Angel would be an automatic death sentence.

Not that Chancellor Gowron had to worry about “living to death” because of an Angel.  He was killed in a duel with Lt. Commander Worf because of Gowron’s dishonorable activities against Klingon General Martok.*  But it would be interesting to see what would happen if an Angel did send a victim back in Time while on board a spacecraft. 

* O'Bservation, it could be that he met a Weeping Angel in a future timeline and sent back to the time of his appearances in Star Trek': The Next Generation'.  There, he tried to alter his future, only to be killed in the past, perhaps even before he was actually was born....

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