Monday, January 1, 2024


This on-location shot shows the crew filming Millie Gibson and Jemma Redgrave meeting as their characters Ruby Sunday and UNIT’s Kate Stewart respectively.

That picture is from January as is the following post....

One of the YouTube Who videographers reported that based on rumors he had heard, Kate Stewart might be actually related to Ruby Sunday.  And then he suggested that she could be playing her grandmother.

Her grandmother?  Jemma Redgrave is 58.  Millie Gibson is 19.  Whoever is the parent of Ruby and the child of Kate, they had to have been 20 at most when they had Ruby, and by extension, Kate would have been 19 when she had Ruby’s parent.

I like the idea of them being related, but not Kate as a grandmother! Ruby’s Aunt, maybe....

The idea that Kate would be related to a Companion sounds too coincidental to be believable.  The Doctor usually meets his Companions by chance. This had to be deliberate. 

Maybe Kate maneuvered Ruby into meeting The Doctor in order to have an inside source. But I don't see her risking a family member like that... unless Ruby is another member of the family who works for UNIT.

That would be a Companion tweak we haven't seen since the days of Turlough, who was working undercover for the Black Guardian. And it probably would work better if the Kate/Ruby family relationship wasn't part of it at all. Just have Ruby be an undercover UNIT trooper.

Just my two quatloos.  I will have a theory on Ruby's mother later today….

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