Saturday, January 1, 2022



It was a funny bit in the New Year's Day special, but it did point out an established Zonk for Toobworld Central.

For years, "Groundhog Day" has been a fixture in the Cineverse, and has been referenced in Earth Prime-Time shows.  Posters and video boxes can be seen in 'Married... With Children' and 'Mad About You'; lots of TV characters compare their current situations as being "Groundhog Day"; it even is a movie in alternate Toobworlds as seen in shows like 'Smallville', 'iZombie', 'Veep'; and even in the Tooniverse ('The Simpsons' and 'American Dad!')

And then Bill Murray, Stephen Tobolowsky, and Brian Doyle Murray (along with the groundhog) reunited for a 2020 Super Bowl blipvert.  So now "Groundhog Day" had a presence in Toobworld.  

It can be easily splained away - the actual event occurred in Toobworld at some point before the movie was made and then the televersion of the film was based on what actually happened.  

So why did the Toobworld "reality" of "Groundhog Day" even happen?  My guess is that every so often the arrival of the TARDIS affects the temporal stability of its location.  Because it wasn't an isolated event - we've seen the circumstances occur in episodes of 'The X-Files', 'The Librarians', 'Fringe', and the latest version of 'The Twilight Zone'.  It could be the TARDIS was in the vicinity....

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