Saturday, January 1, 2022


I won’t say he broke the internet, but by the day after the inauguration of President Joe Biden, Senator Bernie Sanders exploded all over the Web when a picture of him on the dais was photoshopped into all sorts of scenarios, from band publicity pictures to album covers, movie scenes, TV shows & commercials, and historical events.  (The technology has evolved so that he even replaced Patrick Swayze in the pottery clip from “Ghost”.)

Well, as this is the “Who’s On First?” blogAthon, then you know he ended up in a few ‘Doctor Who’ shots (and one from ‘Torchwood’.)

Plus I’ve added one of Bernie in another pose with the TARDIS.

I'm writing this up on January 22, 2021, so if more memes like this show up over the year, I'll add them in.


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