Friday, December 6, 2019


Every so often, Toobworld Central will induct an inanimate object into the Television Crossover Hall of Fame – Playpen Magazine, Marlboro Cigarettes, and the New York Ledger, for example.

And in the month of December, we usually put a spotlight on multidimensional and multivrdal inductees.

This first week of December, we combined the two with a product befitting the conditions just outside my window….


From the Fictional Companies Wiki:
Slusho! is a soft drink manufacturer owned by Tagruato. The company is featured in "Cloverfield" and also appears in several other TV shows and movies.

The Slusho! drinks are classic Slush beverages with a special ingredient called "Seabed's Nectar", giving it a highly addictive quality. It is claimed by the company that the addition of the Seabed's Nectar also makes it extremely healthy.

  • Alias "It Begins"
  • Heroes "Cautionary Tales" and "Truth or Consequences"
  • Cloverfield
  • Fringe – "The Road Not Taken" (S01E09)
  • Fringe – "A Better Human Being" (S04E13)
  • Star Trek (2009)
  • Super 8
  • 11.22.63 - "The Rabbit Hole"
  • The Cloverfield Paradox
Those entries highlighted in boldface are part of Slusho’s tally as a multidimensional product in the greater tele-mosaic.

Only “Alias” and “Fringe” are fully part of Earth Prime-Time.  “Heroes” is as well – but only until Future Hiro first contacts Present Day Hiro.  Then the timeline is altered to create a new timeline and subsequent dimension.

I haven't seen 11.23.63 so I can't say definitively if it belongs or not.

With the 2009 “Star Trek”, if Slusho appeared in the sequence before Spock entered the black hole, it can bring that portion of the film into its tally.  However, for the Toobworld Dynamic, that’s where Mr. Spock died.  Everything after that is pure speculation on the part of the film makers.  Everything before that in the Canon is based on records brought back from the Future (perhaps by the Doctor) to ensure that the Future plays out as it should.

Welcome to Television Crossover Hall of Fame, Slusho!  Naturally visitors to the TVXOHOF will find Slusho on sale in the lobby….

Another product will be inducted next week.

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