Friday, November 8, 2019


With this being November, when the Television Crossover Hall of Fame celebrates the newsmakers.  Often that means politicians and that's who we've got today:


From Wikipedia:
Barbara Levy Boxer (born November 11, 1940) is a retired American politician who served as a United States senator for California from 1993 to 2017. A member of the Democratic Party, she previously served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1983 to 1993.

Born in Brooklyn, New York, Boxer graduated from George Wingate High School and Brooklyn College. She worked as a stockbroker for several years before moving to California with her husband. During the 1970s, she worked as a journalist for the Pacific Sun and as an aide to U.S. Representative John L. Burton. She served on the Marin County Board of Supervisors for six years and became the board's first female president. With the slogan "Barbara Boxer Gives a Damn", she was elected to the United States House of Representatives in 1982, representing California District 6. She served on the House Armed Services Committee, and was involved in government oversight, passing several procurement reforms.

Boxer won the 1992 election for the U.S. Senate.

Running for a third term in 2004, she received 6.96 million votes and set a record for the most votes in any U.S. Senate election in history, until her colleague, Dianne Feinstein, the senior senator from California, surpassed that number in her 2012 re-election.  Boxer and Feinstein were the first female pair of U.S. Senators representing any state at the same time.  

Boxer was the ranking member of the Environment and Public Works Committee and the vice chair of the Select Committee on Ethics. She was also the Democratic Chief Deputy Whip. Although generally identified with the San Francisco Bay Area, where her political career began, Boxer now lives in the Coachella Valley.

At the time of her retirement, Boxer ranked eleventh in seniority in the United States Senate, and was the most senior junior Senator from the retirement of Tom Harkin in January 2015 until her own retirement two years later. She was also dean of the California Congressional Delegation, since she had spent 10 years as a US Representative for California's 6th district before being elected to the Senate in 1993.

On January 8, 2015, Boxer announced that she would not seek re-election in 2016.  She was succeeded by former California Attorney General Kamala Harris.

For more, click here
As a member of the League of Themselves, Boxer’s televersion is well-established in Earth Prime-Time without the need for portrayals by actresses, if there ever was one.

From Wikipedia:
Boxer has made cameo appearances as herself in several television shows, including ‘Murphy Brown’ (1994), ‘Gilmore Girls’ (2002) and ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ (2007), as well as a cameo (as herself) in the 2000 film “Traffic”. 

(O'Bservation: That movie is not part of the Earth Prime-Time Universe and does not count toward her tally.)

In September 2012, it was reported that Boxer and soon-to-be-retired Republican Senator Olympia Snowe would appear together in an NBC sitcom.  On September 20, 2012, she and Senator Snowe appeared in the fifth season premiere of ‘Parks and Recreation’. Boxer later returned to ‘Parks and Recreation’ alongside several other U.S. senators in early 2015 in the seventh season episode "Ms. Ludgate-Dwyer Goes to Washington."

Here is the tally for Senator Boxer’s credits that will get her into the TVXOHOF:

Murphy Brown
- Brown vs. the Board of Education

(1994) .

From the IMDb:
Murphy tries to get Avery a spot in an elite school and invites the school's board to a party to secure it. When ‘FYI’ kills a story about one of its members, Murphy is concerned her ethics will be questioned.

Gilmore Girls
- Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days


From the IMDb:
Rory returns from Washington just in time for the First Annual Stars Hollow End of Summer Madness Festival where she realizes her feelings for Jess might be a lot stronger than she thought, but is it too late to do anything about it? Lorelai is having strong feelings of her own.  

K Street
- Week 3


In episode three of 'K Street', Amnesty International and others question the firm's decision to represent a Saudi Arabian agency, Maggie is threatened with a restraining order and Tommy keeps seeing that mysterious woman in red. Amnesty International protests the firm's decision to represent a Saudi Arabian government organization.  

Curb Your Enthusiasm
- The Anonymous Donor


From the IMDb:
Larry decides to be nice for a change and actually donate money to a worthy cause. But when he's revealed to be the anonymous donor for the hospital wing, Larry goes ballistic. He then accuses a dry cleaner of giving his jersey to someone else, and goes off in search of it. Meanwhile, Larry, Jeff, and the Blacks get their reputation stained.

Larry and Cheryl move into their new home and welcome an additional house guest - Loretta Black's brother Leon - who Larry immediately accuses of an unspeakable act. In other news, Larry gripes over the questionable anonymity of a donation, and considers rewriting the laws of dry-cleaning.

Parks and Recreation
- Ms. Knope Goes to Washington


From the IMDb:
Leslie and Andy go to Washington on business--and to see Ben and April. Back in Pawnee, Ron is in charge of the employee barbecue, and Tom and Ann pretend to still be together.

Parks and Recreation
- Ms. Ludgate-Dwyer Goes to Washington


From the IMDb:
During a business trip to Washington, April tells Leslie that she wants to quit her job. Back in Pawnee, Andy, Ben and Ron may have found her the perfect new job.  

- Contagion


From the IMDb:
When IMSF realizes one of their own has died as a result of the mysterious illness, they race to find its cause before more lives are taken.  

On the Toobworld Timeline, this episode takes place in 2033.  Senator Boxer is seen in archival footage.  We have yet to view if the Senator will still be alive at that time in the Real World (and if the episode will be deemed void by History, thrusting the show into an Alternate Toobworld.)

Welcome to the Hall, Senator!

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