Thursday, July 25, 2019


In the main Toobworld, former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s presence as a member of the League of Themselves is voluminous… when it comes to political discussion programming.  And while that may add flavor to his Earth Prime-Time background, it doesn’t qualify as the founding qualifications needed for membership in the Television Crossover Hall of Fame.

Ryan has shown more presence in Skitlandia with appearances on ‘Saturday Night Live’ and even then he’s a televersion – first played by Taran Killan and then by Mikey Day.  

Not even his use in archival footate during comedy routines on the late night talk shows really help his case, unless – again – as “flavoring” for himself once he’s established in Earth Prime-Time legitimately.  For that to happen he has to appear as himself within the confines of a dramatic series with fictional series, even if it is as archival footage.

And lookee here!  We got one!
30 Rock
- Governor Dunston

... Himself (uncredited)

For Toobworld Central, that’s good enough to anchor Paul Ryan in Earth Prime-Time. 

Okay, I admit it.  I’m easy; but I’m not cheap! 

But let's face it, a guy who will pose for pictures like this should be a sitcom character!

Over the years we’ve seen that fictional TV characters have been related to real-life figures:
  • Art Carney was related to Vera on ‘Alice’
  • Tim Russert was related to Detective Megan Russert on ‘Homicide: Life On The Street’
  • Bryant and Greg Gumbel are related to Sammy from ‘The Nanny’
So here’s the theory of relateeveety I’m proposing for Paul Ryan’s fictional televersion in Earth Prime-Time:

'THE D.A.'

He is distantly related to Paul Ryan from the City of Angels, who was once the District Attorney in Los Angeles County.  When we as the Trueniverse audience saw him, he was the assistant district attorney, but he eventually rose to the position of District Attorney.  (His rise might have been a quick one as well, depending on when the L.A. D.A. was next fictionalized in one Los Angeles-based dramas.)

Ryan is no longer the Los Angeles D.A., but he is still alive, in his 80s.  And apparently distant cousins of his on the Ryan side of the family in Wisconsin decided to name their son after him back in January of 1970 because they were so impressed with him that they wished to set an example for their newborn son.


Paul Ryan of Earth Prime was born two years before the series debuted.  But Paul Ryan of Earth Prime-Time already was an established TV character with TV movies in 1969 and 1971.  

Yeah, hurts your head, don't it?  Not the way it played out in the real world, but forget it, Jake.  It’s Toobworld….. 


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