Saturday, July 6, 2019


July 6, 2019

Today marks the 74th birthday of Burt Ward.  Everybody should know at the very least that he played Dick Grayson (AKA Robin the Boy Wonder) in the 1966 TV series ‘Batman’.  (And I admit, that is the very least about him that I know.)

But the standard rule from Toobworld Central that characters are the same age as the actors who play them – unless otherwise stated – has that codicil invoked in this case.  Dick Grayson is six years younger than Burt Ward.

As seen in the episode “Enter Batgirl, Exit Penguin”, high school student Dick Grayson has his driver’s license which makes him at least sixteen.  As that takes place in 1967 when the episode is aired, I take it to mean that Dick was born in 1951.

I’m assuming that his birth day could also be the same as Burt Ward’s.  Those who do the trivia research upon which I depend don’t offer any other dates which might have come up in the TV series.

Just so you know how it stands in Toobworld, here are some suppositions we’ve made about his life not seen in the show:

  • Dick Grayson became the Batman after Bruce Wayne retired. 
  • He also is long since retired.  The job takes a lot out of a guy!
  • The Boy Wonder joined the Television Crossover Hall Of Fame this past January in tandem with his mentor, the Caped Crusader.  Long overdue.
  • In the genealogies to be found in various meta-fictional universes, Dick Grayson is somehow related to Amanda Grayson of the Future, mother of Spock.  I find this perfectly logical.  Indeed.
  • He is also somehow related to the televersion of Mark Thompson Grayson.  (Mark is a friend of mine who has been “televersed” by at least one appearance on the news in which he was interviewed.)
  • I've been focused a lot on the Hartford Circus Fire this week.  Dick Grayson was born on the seventh anniversary of that tragedy.  If his birth parents were the same for his televersion as they were for his original version in the comic books, they were the Flying Graysons, a trapeze act.  It could be that they had once been associated with the Hartford Circus, or they knew people who had been there that fateful day. 
(O’Bservation: Although featured in a few TV documentaries, the Hartford Circus Fire of 1944 has yet to be dramatized as a fictional event for Earth Prime-Time.)

Happy birthday to both Burt Ward and to Dick Grayson!

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