Friday, June 28, 2019


Here we are – the last Friday of June, which kicks off Pride Weekend.  And chosen for this Friday Hall of Famer we have one of the great entertainers known only by one name.  No, not Charo – although come to think of it, I think she qualifies for membership….

No, the latest member of the Television Crossover Hall of Fame is:


From Wikipedia:
Władziu Valentino Liberace (May 16, 1919 – February 4, 1987) was an American pianist, singer and actor.  A child prodigy born in Wisconsin to parents of Italian and Polish origin, Liberace enjoyed a career spanning four decades of concerts, recordings, television, motion pictures, and endorsements. At the height of his fame, from the 1950s to the 1970s, Liberace was the highest-paid entertainer in the world, with established concert residencies in Las Vegas, and an international touring schedule. Liberace embraced a lifestyle of flamboyant excess both on and off stage, acquiring the nickname "Mr. Showmanship."  

As a member of the League of Themselves, Liberace’s appearances in these shows solidified the presence of his fictionalized televersion in Toobworld:

The Jack Benny Program 
- Liberace Show

The Liberace Show  
8 episodes

You Bet Your Life

- Episode #6.24

Date with the Angels 
- Star Struck

The Monkees 
- Art for Monkees' Sake

Here's Lucy 
- Lucy and Liberace

The Muppet Show 
- Liberace

- 60 Miles to Hell

The Muppets Go Hollywood (TV Special)

- The Offer

Another World 
(1985, 1986)   

Leo & Liz in Beverly Hills 
- The 'A' List

The Pride parades always look like Liberace’s armoire exploded, so this is the perfect time of year to welcome him into the Hall…..

Here are some photos of Liberace with several other members of the TVXOHOF:

By the way, that isn't an empty suit at the top of this post.  Liberace is actually in that outfit!
Welcome to the Hall, Mr. Showmanship!


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