Tuesday, January 1, 2019


Episode One:

As with any new incarnation, time is taken to introduce potential new audiences to the Doctor.  And as she is the first female incarnation, extra time was needed.  Another component that helped was that she now has three companions, like in the old days, to help carry the load.  And a vital shortcut was established with those three companions having previously established relationships, even if one of them is still a bit contentious. (I’m hoping by the end of the season, Ryan will call Graham “Granddad”.)

I think it’s a good call that the Doctor doesn’t have the crutch of the TARDIS starting out, but I hope it doesn’t go for more than just the second episode.  (I’m writing these a week after I see them.)  Having the Doctor building her own sonic screwdriver instead of having the TARDIS pop a new one out with each incarnation was a nice touch.  And it’s a cool look, the Lady Schic-# er, the Lady Sonic.  (As for that other reference to its sleek new look, I’m not going there.  It’s boring by now.)

“Tim Shaw” of the Stenza was a great alien menace, even if a bit derivative of the Predator.  And the idea that the Stenza are from 5,000 galaxies away was intriguing – I think it means that it’s pozz’ble, just pozz’ble, that they are to be found in the Gamma Quadrant of the ‘Star Trek’ vision of the universe.  (We’ve made a theoretical connection to that quadrant in the past, with the Sontarans being clones of the Hierarchy.) 

Still not won over by the costume.  I’d like to think that at least the T-shirt will change on a regular basis.  Otherwise….  Blearg!  (Sweat stains, anyone?)

There were only two quibbles I had with the episode.  One was the loss of Grace O’Brien.  The actress, Sharon Clarke, was fun and engaging, which made it harder to lose her.  But at least it served as a catalyst for the dynamic between Graham and Ryan.  (Adding to what I posted an hour ago, I think it won't be until the last episode of the season in which Ryan finally calls Graham “Granddad”.  But I’m also now afraid it will be because my fellow O’Brien sacrificed himself to save Ryan….)

The other thing I didn’t like was the Doctor’s dismissive treatment of Karl Wright, the target of Stenza warrior Tzim-Sha, after he kicked “Tim Shaw” over the railing.  The Doctor took him to task for attacking the alien when she supposedly had it under control.  Hey, he was an ordinary human, attacked by a scary-looking alien (those teeth embedded in his face!) who bragged about Karl being a trophy who would be kept rotting in a stasis chamber.  Karl had no clue if that woman was saving him and he was in fear for his life against something outside his comfort zone.  We’ve seen the Doctor take that attitude in the past, against Prime Minister Harriet Jones for ordering the destruction of the Sycorax ship and the Meta-Doctor for his destruction of the Dalek army.  Arguments could be made that he was wrong in those cases; the Doctor wasn’t assured of keeping either swarm from attacking anybody else in the future. And Harriet Jones went to the Great Beyond believing she was in the right.  She may have been. 

Final O’Bservation: That was a kick-ass cliff-hanger!  I don’t think we’ve had companions who were taken away on adventures against their will for a while.  Maybe Tegan Jovanka was the last?  At any rate, I’m hoping that the foursome will be rescued from exposure in space by a ship that has the improbability drive from Douglas Adams’ “The Hitch-Hiker’s Guide To The Galaxy”....


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