Tuesday, January 1, 2019


I’m starting this blog post in early October of 2018 and hopefully I’ll remember to add to it once I see the new series which begins this coming Sunday.  (Woohoo!)

It is a thrill to see that an O’Brien will now be part of the team inside the TARDIS.  Granted, he’s an O’Brien from England, perhaps a transplant from Ireland, but go back far enough in the family tree and I’m sure I could cobble together a theory of relateeveety to connect Graham O’Brien (the character to be played by Bradley Walsh) to the televersion of myself in Toobworld.  Everything depends on the expansion of the character’s biography as the show progresses.

Before this, family pride in ‘Doctor Who’ was supplied in the Real World by actress Maureen O’Brien, who joined the cast as Vicki Pallister (after the departure of Carole Ann Ford as the Doctor’s granddaughter Susan.)

But now we’ll have a fictional member of the family in the TARDIS, an O’Brien who will hopefully bring honor to the family name.  (Two things I fear – one that Graham O’Brien will be killed off before the season is over, or even worse, that he’ll prove to be a turncoat and a threat to the Doctor and the others.  But like I said, the show begins in five days and I’ll have the answers to this question – and the inspiration for more “Who’s On First?” posts – before the end of the year.)

I’m ending this now at this point.  I may be adding more in an update.



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