Tuesday, January 1, 2019


"Look!  A pterodactyl!"

From Wikipedia:
'The Roy Rogers Show' is an American Western television series that broadcast 100 episodes on NBC for six seasons between December 30, 1951 and June 9, 1957. The show starred Roy Rogers as a ranch owner, Dale Evans as the proprietress of the Eureka Hotel and Cafe in fictional Mineral City, and Pat Brady as Roy’s sidekick and Dale's cook. 

Brady's jeep Nellybelle at times had a mind of her own and sped away driverless with Brady in frantic pursuit on foot. [Earlier, during the show's 1952 episodes, the jeep was called LuLubelle.] Animal stars were Roy's Palomino horse Trigger and his German Shepherd Bullet, the "Wonder Dog".

Like Rogers’s and many other Western films of the 1930s through 1950s, the series featured traditional cowboys and cowgirls riding horses and carrying six-shooters in a contemporary setting where they coexisted with automobiles, telephones, and electric lighting. No attempt was made in the scripts to explain or justify this strange blend of 19th-century characters with 20th-century technology.

Well, that’s what I’m here for…..


From the IMDb:
April 22nd, 2011; 5:02pm. Having finally accepted his fate the Doctor travels to Lake Silencio for his final day. But one woman refuses to let time take its course.

It's April 22, 2011 the day the Doctor is supposed to die but time seems to be stuck at 5:02 p.m. London streets are clogged not only with automobiles but also Roman chariots; pterodactyls fly in the sky. The Holy Roman Emperor, Winston Churchill, calls on a prisoner to explain what is happening. In fact, all time seems to be occurring all at once. The Doctor determines that a fixed point in time has been altered or prevented from occurring. That fixed point is his own death at Lake Silencio where history records that River Song killed him. Of course not all is as it seems, particularly as it relates to the Doctor himself.
Written by garykmcd

And there you have it: all six seasons of ‘The Roy Rogers Show’ took place in that alternate Toobworld in which all of Time was happening at the same time.  We never got to see it, but there could be pterodactyls roaming those skies about Mineral City.  My favorite - triceratops - could also be stomping around in the hills surrounding Roy's ranch.  We just never got to see it.

In that void between episodes Roy and Dale may have met not only historical figures of their time like Mark Twain and Lillie Langtry (before she was turned into a vampire), but also historical figures and TV characters of the distant past, and not just Americans – the Virgin Mary, Myles Standish, the cave-dwellers Gronk and Shad, and Samantha Stephens as a witch-childe.  If they ever left Mineral Springs and traveled to Chicago, they would have found the Emperor Claudius working as a psychologist in the office once rented by Dr. Bob Hartley – exchanging one stutterer for another.

With the stasis of Time erased, all of those characters were returned to their own eras.  And Roy Rogers and his wife Dale Evans were back to being cowboy film stars who established their League of Themselves credentials in TV shows like ‘The Fall Guy’ and ‘The Muppet Show’.

Happy trails to you, Allonsy!

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