Tuesday, January 1, 2019


For nearly twenty years of the Toobworld Dynamic, I’ve been promoting the premise that of all the TV shows that are part of the greater TV Universe, ‘Space: 1999’ didn’t happen – at least past the first episode.  There was a Moonbase Alpha; there was a nuclear waste dump on the Dark Side; and there was an explosion.  But Commander Koenig was seriously injured in that explosion of the fuel dump and lapsed into a coma.  After that, everything we saw in the TV series was just a figment of Koenig’s coma dream.  The Moon never rocketed out of orbit and off to other galaxies.

Best proof of this is….?


In order to isolate an accused alien murderer, the space police rhinoids (rhinoceroids?) known as the Judoon transported a London hospital to the surface of the Moon.  That happened in June of 2008,* nearly a decade after the events of ‘Space: 1999’ supposedly took place. 

That’s the most O’Bvious example because we can’t use TV shows set in the alternate dimension of the Tooniverse where all the animated shows take place.  So that means we have to exclude the ‘Futurama’ episode “The Series Has Landed”.

However, any TV show after 1999 in which we could see the Moon in any of its episodes would be proof enough.

I don’t know which crater held the hospital during its sojourn on the lunar surface, but apparently it was not within sight of whatever was left of Moonbase Alpha.

Bam Pow Zoom to the Moon!

*The date according to The Doctor Who Chronology.  The episode aired in the real world a year before it took place in Toobworld.

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