Monday, December 31, 2018



At midnight Inner Toob begins its annual salute to ‘Doctor Who’ with the blogAthon, a new post every half hour.

But this post has a shelf life and it needed to be posted today.

My thanks to Doctor Who News for these screen caps from the restored “Enemy Of The World”.

Despite all of the discrepancies with the world as we know it (this is more like it came from “1984”), this actually happened in Earth Prime-Time, the main Toobworld.  

But this is not the world we would see in other TV shows set in 2018.  Not anymore.  This is the Toobworld in which Henry Talbot McNeil was the President of the United States during the 1970s.  (‘Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea’)  But this timeline was erased by Helen Cutter (‘Primordial’) who stepped through an anomaly into the far distant past and changed History.

So the Second Incarnation of the Doctor may have still bested Ramon Salamander, but Salamander may not have been in control of the world and there certainly would be no district zones like the misspelled “Australasion Zone”.

It’s either that or “Enemy Of The World” took place in another dimension.

Either way, the events of the adventure still have to end the same way – with Salamander clinging to the TARDIS and then falling off into the Void.

Why?  Because it’s my belief that Salamander was rescued by the entity known as House and “employed” to be his servant now known as “Uncle”.  (By the time we met Uncle, a lot of his body parts had been replaced, including the skin of his face.)

That’s my theory and I’m sticking with it.

Anyway, 2018 only has a few more hours to go and I for one will be happy to see it kicked to the curb.  (I kind of died back in May.  But did I get a regeneration?  Noooo.)

In just a few hours, the “Who’s On First” annual blogathon launches 2019.  I hope you enjoy it!



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