Saturday, April 28, 2018



From the IMDb:
A suspicious birthday card pits Tasha on the trail of her ex, dentist Ted McClellan, being attacked by fiends. They're after dental records for a scam planned by Bolivian drug cartel US market baron Simon Pike. So VIP protects Ted, and discovers Tasha's twice ex, the Owl, is also involved.

Here's how it looked in the French Toobworld dimension:

Ted and Tasha were married for only one year, but there is some question about Ted McLellan's standing in the list of Tasha Dexter's ex-husbands.  In this episode, he's identified as her second husband; but there was an episode in the second season ("The Return of the Owl") in which he's mentioned as her third husband.  

I think we can resolve this Zonk using that IMDb description above.  Since the IMDb can be written by anybody, I assume that it was written by someone with a poor command of English.  "Tasha's twice ex, the Owl" - that must mean that he was married in two different installments, with a divorce in between.  (At least I hope so.  I'd hate to think that they were trying to say "Tasha's second ex-husband".)

So in that sense, Ted was Tasha's second husband and her third husband from a different perspective.  He's the second man to marry her and it's her third marriage.

And I think they eventually got back together.....

'V.I.P' ran from 1998 to 2002.  The Chase Sapphire Card blipverts ran around 2009.  So it's pozz'ble, just pozz'ble, that Tasha and Ted found each other again at some point after 2002.  And based on these commercials, it appears that they are not only together but living under assumed names (whether it was because of her former job with V.I.P. or further complications from the Simon Pike investigation.)

I say this because the card shown at the end of the commercial has the last name of "Walden" embossed on it.  They seem to be living a carefree lifestyle in these commercials - fancy condo in the City, staying at a fancy hotel, enjoying a ski trip.  

But it could be that they're always on the run.  I don't know who wants to kill them, but I think The Owl is a good candidate.

Not that Chase Sapphire would want that kind of association.....


Molly Culver starred in 'V.I.P.' as Tasha Dexter and David Starzyk guest starred as Ted McLelland before they were reunited in the commercial series.

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