Wednesday, March 14, 2018


LONDON (Reuters)
Stephen Hawking, who sought to explain the origins of the universe, the mysteries of black holes and the nature of time itself, died on Wednesday aged 76.

Hawking’s formidable mind probed the very limits of human understanding both in the vastness of space and in the bizarre sub-molecular world of quantum theory, which he said could predict what happens at the beginning and end of time.

Ravaged by the wasting motor neuron disease he developed at 21, Hawking was confined to a wheelchair for most of his life.

As his condition worsened, he had to speak through a voice synthesizer and communicating by moving his eyebrows - but at the same time became the world’s most recognizable scientist.

Hawking died peacefully at his home in the British university city of Cambridge in the early hours of Wednesday.

It was probably Hawking's prison of a wheelchair which people may have notice first, eliciting pity; but to then learn about his works and his theories, I'm sure that pity turned to anger at the injustice over one of the greatest minds ever being betrayed by his body.  (Kind of like me......  Yeah right...)

Hawking became better known to the general public beginning in 1993 when his holographic image engaged in a game of poker with Lt. Commander Data and two other holograms - Albert Einstein and Sir Isaac Newton.  From there he became a true multidimensional, appearing in the Tooniverse ('The Simpsons', 'Futurama'), Skitlandia ("Comic Relief" - 'Little Britain'), Earth Prime-Time ('The Big Bang Theory', the aforementioned 'Star Trek: The Next Generation') and whatever the hell category this should fall into - 'Last Week Tonight with John Oliver'.

Here are the shows across the Viewniverse in which Hawking appeared as himself:


- Reincarnation (2011) .
- Anthology of Interest I (2000) 

"Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs"

'The Simpsons'
- Elementary School Musical (2010)
- Stop or My Dog Will Shoot (2007)
- Don't Fear the Roofer (2005)
- They Saved Lisa's Brain (1999) 

'Comic Relief'
Little Britain Sketch
Related image

Yeah.  That's Professor Hawking, the Transformer


'Star Trek: The Next Generation' 
Descent (1993)

'The Big Bang Theory'
- The Proposal Proposal (2017) ... Stephen Hawking
- The Geology Elevation (2016) ... Stephen Hawking
- The Celebration Experimentation (2016) ... Stephen Hawking
- The Troll Manifestation (2015) ... Stephen Hawking
- The Relationship Diremption (2014) ... Stephen Hawking (voice)
- The Extract Obliteration (2012) ... Stephen Hawking (voice)
- The Hawking Excitation (2012) ... Stephen Hawking

Several other shows in Earth Prime-Time acknowledged the existence of his televersion even if he was never seen during the episode:
Speaking of 'The Big Bang Theory'

'The Big Bang Theory'
Episode: The Fermentation Bifurcation (2016) 
Zack Johnson:
I love science. Einstein, Steven Hawking, Mike deGrasse Tyson.
Amy Farrah Fowler:
Mike deGrasse Tyson?
Howard Wolowitz:
Yeah, you know. the boxer who grew a mustache and became a scientist.

Episode: The Bon Voyage Reaction (2013)

Leonard Hofstadter:
So, listen, Do you remember when I said the similarities of the equations of General Relativity and Hydrodynamics suggest you could find the equivalent of Unruh radiation in a large body of water?
I thought I said that to you.
Leonard Hofstadter:
Anyway, Stephen Hawking's team is looking into that, and I've been invited to join them.
Wow! Hawking, good for you!
Leonard Hofstadter:
Well, it is. Just, you know, I'd be gone for a while.
For how long?
Leonard Hofstadter:
Three - four months.
Whoa. When would you leave?
Leonard Hofstadter:
Couple weeks.
Wow. OK. Well, I'll just come visit you.
Leonard Hofstadter:
That's the thing. You can't. I'll be on a ship in the North Sea.
On a ship? Aren't they afraid Hawking'll just roll overboard?
Leonard Hofstadter:
He's not going to be there. He's just sending a team to research his theory.
Oh sure. Like when you send me to kill spiders in your bathtub. 

Episode: The 43 Peculiarity (2012)

Howard Wolowitz:
I wonder what Sheldon's hiding in there?
Raj Koothrappali:
He's always been kind of a weirdo. Maybe he's got Leonard Nimoy chained up in there. Or Bill Gates or Stephen Hawking.
Howard Wolowitz:
Why would he chain up Stephen Hawking?
Raj Koothrappali:
Howard, shame on you! You can't treat him differently just because he's disabled, that's not okay!
'The Big Bang Theory'
Episode: The Cooper Extraction (2013)
Episode: The Bath Item Gift Hypothesis (2008)

Episode: The Convergence Convergence (2016)
Episode: The Higgs Boson Observation (2012)
'The Finder'
Episode: A Cinderella Story (2012) 

'Goodnight Sweetheart'
Episode: Change Partners (1996)

Episode: Charbroiled (2015)

'Turkish for Beginners'
Episode: Die, mit Sex und Pistols (2007)

Episode: Finale: Part One! (2016) 

'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia'
Episode: Flowers for Charlie (2013)

'Mystery Science Theater 3000'
Episode: Laserblast (1996)
Episode: Time Chasers (1997)

Episode: Vi må stå sammen (2017)

Episode: We Need the Eggs (2012)

True Detective'
Episode: The Western Book of the Dead (2015)

'Gilmore Girls'
Episode: Lorelai's First Cotillion (2006)

'Hot in Cleveland'
Episode: Murder House (2014)

Episode: Noblesse Oblige (2015)

'Dave's World'
Episode: Pilot (1993)

'Odyssey 5'
Episode: Rapture (2002)

'The Good Place' 
Episode: The Burrito (2018)

Episode: The Lyon's Roar (2015)

Here are some of those references in action:

'The IT Crowd' 

Episode: The Speech (2008)

Well... Moss, has it been completely demagnetised?
By Stephen Hawking himself. Who sends his congratulations, by the way.
Well, if it's okay with The Hawk...

'John Doe'
Episode: Shock to the System (2003)

[John Doe has lost his "gift" after being struck by lightning] 
Well, you're always complaining about all those odd ball facts bubbling around in your head. You know, I think you'd welcome a break.
John Doe:
Maybe you're right. I mean, there is no more white noise buzzing around in my brain.
Silver lining, my friend.
John Doe:
No more people staring at me like I'm some kind of freak. No more nightly trivial pursuit-athons. No more email chess games with Stephen Hawking.
Now wait a second! You're playing chess with Stephen Hawking?

'Doctor Who'
Episode: Doomsday (2006)

Dalek Thay:
Identify yourself!
You will identify first!
Dalek Thay:
State you identity!
You will identify first!
Dalek Thay:
Mickey Smith:
It's like Stephen Hawking meets the speaking clock.

Hawking is also known to exist in one of the alternate POTUS Toobworlds, thanks to a mention in the "Mother" episode from 'Veep'.  Also, as of now, the Toobworld Dynamic does not recognize video games to be part of the TV Universe.  So I'm excluding "Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow".

It's because of all those references, quotes, and actual appearances that Professor Hawking is being inducted as a tribute upon his death.  Here's to, Sir.  You know are the star stuff you once explored.....

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