Monday, January 22, 2018


Saturday morning, Jim Belfiore, one of my go-to guys for sci-fi topics, sent me this picture:

Your mission, should you decide to accept it... to identify the film this is from. It's burning up a number of Twitter Trek-channels this weekend. Even Chris Doohan has no idea what it's from.

I figure if anyone has a shot at it, you might.

So I've done some research already and figured the actress is the key.  If I can find out her identity, then the IMDb collaborations program could do the rest.  But I'm still stumped and I'm reaching out to Team Toobworld for help.

I don't want to influence your thoughts on the puzzle, but so far this is my best guess:

1.25 [--] The New Breed: THE DEADLIER SEX
QM Prod. no. 2425 (copyright date 13Mar62)
20Mar62 ABC Tue
Narrator: Art Gilmore
Guest cast:
Judi Meredith ..... Florence Charron
Paula Raymond ..... Juliette Beavoir
Betsy Jones-Moreland ... Claire Arnet
James Doohan ...... Dr. Lennon
Synopsis 1:
Clayton Grimes is given to marrying rich women
and dispatching them shortly thereafter. [RF]
Synopsis 2:
After a murdered body is found, an investigation by the Met Squad reveals that 
the victim was a payroll bandit, and that the killer was a woman. [RF]
Synopsis 3:
The squad has three suspects in the murder of a thief,
all elusive and all female. [RF]

(I found that at the CTVA website, which I highly recommend visiting for research needs like this.)

My reasonings:
  • It's early in James Doohan's career, O'Bviously.
  • It looks like it could be a doctor's office.  Doohan played a Dr. Lennon in this episode.
  • Doohan is dressed casually, which is something a psychologist or psychiatrist might due to put the patient at ease.
  • I can't be sure, but I think this actress is Betsy Jones-Moreland from the options listed in that episode's credits.
But I could be wrong.  It happens a lot.....

UPDATE:  Guess what?  I was wrong!  Mike Doran, a frequent visitor here who has provided me with plenty of useful information in the past, has seen that 'New Breed' episode and this is not from that show.  

So the hunt continues.

So what do you think?  Do you know what this could be from?  Do you recognize the actress?  Let me know......



  1. Just back from my DVD Wall, where I have some 'c2c DVDs' of The New Breed.
    I've just watched "The Deadlier Sex".
    Your screen grab doesn't come from there.

    James Doohan's doctor runs a children's clinic, in white coat and stethoscope; he and a girlfriend get caught up in an old robbery-homicide.
    Betsy Jones-Moreland is blackmailing the girlfriend; she and Doohan have two scenes together, neither friendly.
    Anyway, the scene grab resembles nothing in this show.
    ... which actually is pretty good of its kind; written by Don Brinkley (Christie's dad, who wrote for everybody in those days), and directed by Joseph Pevney (whom James Doohan would encounter in the Future).

    Best of luck in finding the show you're looking for.

  2. Thanks for narrowing down the search, Mike! I'm sure somebody will eventually comme up with the right show....
