Tuesday, January 16, 2018


With our earlier post which paid tribute to two of the characters played by the late Harry Landers, I thought this second theory of relateeveety would work in tandem with it since one of the other characters mentioned also had an interesting family tree.


Cathy Goodland was married to Tony Goodland and both of them enjoyed a lavish lifestyle which accommodated their open marriage.  Cathy had a lover named Ken Nichols who only really loved that she kept him comfortable with her access to the family fortune.

Tony took part in a phony kidnapping scheme with his uncle Jarvis Goodland in order to break the trust on the money held for him via his father's will.  Unfortunately for Tony, his uncle planned to keep that money for himself.  Jarvis then tried to frame Cathy for the murder and would have gotten away with it had it not been for that meddling Columbo.

O'Bservation: Jarvis forgot another rule of thumb in a 'Columbo' episode - Never frame somebody for murder if they're still alive and able to refute the charge in some way.

Cathy Goodland had gone through one hell of a week when this happened back in late 1972 - her husband kidnapped and later murdered, her lover revealed to be a money-hunting gigolo, and then to be framed for Tony's murder.  

It's a wonder that with all that stress on her, she didn't have a miscarriage!

That's right.  It's the contention of Toobworld Central that at the time of the events in the "Greenhouse Jungle" case (as Lt. Columbo tagged the file), Cathy Goodland was pregnant.  Whether it was with Tony as the father or with Ken is unknown. What does matter was that several hundred years later, the lineage that could be traced from Cathy's child resulted in a woman who replicated the exact telegenetics to produce Cathy Goodland's mirror image.


From Memory Alpha:
Doctor Janice Lester was a Human scientist of the Federationin the 23rd century.

From 2267 to 2269, Lester was the leader of an expedition to Camus II, exploring the ancient remnants of an advanced civilization. Among the ruins, she discovered a sophisticated mechanism still in working order. The device was capable of life-energy transfer – the exchange of one being's complete personality and memory with another's. 

Janice Lester used this device to swap her mind into the body of Captain James T. Kirk and vice versa:

She was aided in this scheme by Dr. Arthur Coleman, who was in love with her.  (See the previous post today about Dr. Coleman and his famous forebear and the actor who played them both.)

As I stated in that earlier post, when Dr. Coleman offered to take care of Dr. Lester after her plans failed, he could have succumbed to his obsession with her and had sex with her while she was still mentally fragile.  Basically, it would be seen as rape.  And it's pozz'ble, just pozz'ble, that he impregnated her.  If so, that family tree, which could be traced back to Cathy Goodland in the 1970s, had a possibility to continue far into the Future.

Unfortunately, because of the devastation caused first by World War III and then about a century later by the Dalek invasion of Earth Prime-Time, records of those times are fragmented.  So the ability to trace family trees during that dark period were lost.

Still, the physical evidence of how much Dr. Janice Lester resembled her forebear Cathy Goodland cannot be denied.  I think it's a safe bet that they were related.  

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