Tuesday, December 12, 2017


This past week, Mark Hamill appeared on 'The Late Show with Stephen Colbert' in advance of the release of his latest "Star Wars" movie, "The Last Jedi".  But before he sat for an interview with Colbert, he took part in a pretty lame "Star Wars" sketch with the show's host.  (Luke Skywalker was trying to get into the Mos Eisley Cantina but couldn't get past the maitre d'.)

I had that nauseating sense of deja vu as I remembered another lame "Star Wars" sketch when the original movie had come out during the summer of 1977.  Again, Hamill played Luke Skywalker in the "Bob Hope All-Star Christmas Special" as the payoff to that sketch.  But the main performers were Olivia Newton-John as Princess Hialeah, Perry Como as Luke Sleepwalker, and Bob Hope as Barf Vader.

On Saturday, I'll inflict - er - I'll share that sketch with you as part of Video Weekend.

Two for Tuesday!

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