Tuesday, December 26, 2017


Happy Boxing Day!

As this is Toobworld Central, we don't O'Bserve a traditional boxing day......

In the greater TV Universe, just about everything is alive - cars, washing machines, toilets, various foods, liquid cleansing detergent, aerosol insect repellent, maple syrup bottles....

And now we have the boxes used in shipping products bought through Amazon.

There MIGHT be a splainin for why the boxes are alive.  The books of the Library planet were made from the pulped trees of that world, which had been the home of the shadow creatures the Vashta Nerada.  In this case, maybe the Amazon boxes to be found in Toobworld were made from the recycled pulp of the televersions of Living Trees, like Tolkien's Ents in a way.  There were the trees which were actually humans transformed by the Rani.  The way the Amazon rain forests are being plowed under, that type of tree could be the source of these living boxes.  (And in a way, ironic - Amazon to Amazon.)

That could be why the ancestors of the Forest of Cheem decided to escape Earth... while they could.

At any rate, if you happen to be a TV character visiting here in the real world, keep that in mind, that the delivery boxes for Amazon are alive.  So treat them gently when opening them up......


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