Monday, February 13, 2017


I announced earlier this year that rapid entry into the TV Crossover Hall of Fame would be limited to recently departed members of the League of Themselves who qualified with appearances in three different TV series instead of also applying that to any fictional characters who were played by recently deceased actors.  But they would be on the fast track for the next year on the regular monthly schedule.  And as you might have noticed with last year's memorial entries into the Hall, there were quite a few League of Themselves who sadly became eligible based on that.

From the Los Angeles Times:
Al Jarreau, the legendary jazz artist and seven-time Grammy winner, has died. He was 76.

The singer died about 6 a.m. Sunday at a Los Angeles hospital surrounded by family and friends, his agent said.

Dubbed the “Acrobat of Scat” for his vocal delivery and admired by fans for his imaginative and improvisational qualities, Jarreau had a career that spanned five decades and 20 albums. His biggest single was "We're in This Love Together" from 1981. He also sang the theme song for TV's "Moonlighting." 

He is the only Grammy vocalist to win in the jazz, pop and R&B categories.

I decided to check out Mr. Jarreau's credits in the IMDb before I added him to the Hat Squad list for 2017, expecting the only credit of note would be his rendition of the theme song for 'Moonlighting'.  So I was surprised to find out that he played himself in enough TV shows to qualify for membership in the TVXOHOF!

SCTV Network
- CCCP 1 (1981)

SCTV's regular programming is interrupted by a Soviet satellite.  The "SCTV Movie of the Week" is "The Jazz Singer" starring Al Jarreau as the son. Sid Dithers plays the father, a Jewish soul singer who can't understand why his adopted son wants to be a cantor. Al sings "We're in This Love Together," with Sid accompanying on the sax. Sid is disappointed in his son, and thinks he should have adopted Barry White instead. The Rabbi goes to ask Sid to come to the service where his son will debut as cantor. Sid attends, in silver disco boots, and all is well. 

New York Undercover
- High on the Hog (1995) 
Now physically recovered, Williams is awaiting approval to return to active duty. Torres and his new partner pose as bikers to solve the double homicide of an informant and her little girl.  Al Jarreau performs "We're In This Love Together"

Touched by an Angel
- Indigo Angel (1996)

An elderly man in ill health manages a blues club which he refuses to close for business even though it no longer makes money. He is waiting for a sign that he is supposed to close the club.

Jarreau used to babysit the young man in the middle of the above picture.

The Soul Man
- Oh My Goddy (2014)

Boyce feels the pressure when he's nominated for a big award. Lolli makes a sexy gesture to get Boyce's attention.

[Information comes from the IMDb save for the 'New York Undercover' episode which is courtesy of]

Mr. Jarreau had another shot at membership in the TVXOHOF with an actual character, but he only got 2/3s of the way there.  

'Touched By An Angel'
"Amazing Grace Part One"

'Promised Land'
"Amazing Grace Part One"

Once again he returned to 'Touched By An Angel', but this time Jarreau was Reverend Gentry Hall, the pastor of an inner-city church in Denver.  'Promised Land' was already the spin-off from 'Touched By An Angel' and this one of the other times when their characters would interact.  Unfortunately, neither of the shows had reason to return to that black parish in Denver so Reverend Hall never got that Hat Trick to qualify for membership in the Hall.  No Hall in the Hall this time, I'm afraid.

Still, Al Jarreau made it on his own merits and there are so many great actors, comedians, and singers who will never be inducted, so that's saying something

Good night and may God bless, Al Jarreau.  A beautiful voice stilled forever, but we have the recordings and videos of your performances so that you'll live on in memory.

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