Saturday, November 21, 2015


'Alfred Hitchcock Presents'
"Safety For The Witness"


In 1927, Cyril T. Jones was a custom gunsmith who owned and operated a shop in a big city.  (That's according to an on-screen graphic, but we all know it was New York.)  Aong his clients were some of the country's worst mobsters.  Two of those hoods, Big Dan Foley and Joe Felix, gunned him down after he stumbled upon them killing a witness to one of their earlier crimes.  Just before they shot him they apologized since they enjoyed giving them their business, always interested in buying new merchandise from him.
But Mr. Jones survived the attack and decided to exact his own revenge rather than risk being killed like that other witness.

Although it didn't come up in the course of the show, Jones was born in 1887 and was 40 at the time of his shooting.  (This is based on how old Art Carney was when he played the role.)
I have no proof for this, but here is my conjecture for a theory of relateeveety which will connect this episode of 'Alfred Hitchcock Presents' to the TV series 'The Honeymooners' and 'Batman'.
Cyril T. Jones' wife had died by the time of the episode and his children were already grown, Cyril having married young.  He had a daughter who married a man named Norton and they had twin sons, Edward Lillywhite and Edmund Archeron Norton.  Ed married Trixie (last name unknown, but her first name was Thelma) and he went to work in the New York City Bureau of Water And Sewage Operations.  Meanwhile, his brother Edmund turned to the dark side, eventually becoming the arch-villain known in Gotham City as "The Archer".

(I've written about the Brothers Norton in the past.)
Cyril T. Jones probably lived long enough to have seen these events, being 80 by the time 1967 rolled around......


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