Tuesday, October 13, 2015


From the Arrowverse Wiki:
Damien Darhk is the leader of H.I.V.E., and a former member of theLeague of Assassins. He is the former best friend/rival of the lateRa's al Ghul, as well as a former "Heir to the Demon".

Neal McDonough plays Darhk on 'Arrow', having made his debut in the Season 4 premiere.  And it's now been announced that he's on the fast track to becoming a member of the Television Crossover Hall Of Fame when Damien Dahrk crosses over to the shows 'DC's Legends Of Tomorrow' and 'The Flash'.

According to TV Line, Damien Dahrk will appear in 'Legends Of Tomorrow' back in 1975.  (The show will bounce around Time, thanks to team leader Rip Hunter.)  “I look exactly the same in 1975," said McDonough to ComicBook.com.  "But you see he’s not as confident, and doesn’t have such an agenda … as he does now.”

As for Dahrk in 'The Flash', McDonough describes him as a "
crazy, fun, enjoy-everything-while-I-kill-everybody type of character.”

These crossovers will probably be broadcast in 2016 and after that third version, Damien Dahrk will be eligible for membership in the TVXOHOF.


(Sorry for the late entry today......)

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