Friday, May 1, 2015


Every so often I like to showcase the televersions of my friends, using pictures of them that feature them in situations that look like they belong in Toobworld.

This time around we have Mark Thompson and Michael Finke as seen in TV-LA.....

And it's not just Los Angeles; they're seen here in front of the house used for the Fischer & Son Funeral Home in 'Six Feet Under'.

I don't know what differences there may be in the lives of Mark and Mike's televersions.  But taking some inspiration from their lives - Mark would be this rogue physicist whose non-sanctioned experiments nearly cracked open the Wall between Worlds.  And now he wanders the country, "making right what once went wrong" and helping strangers whose lives he affected in small meaningful ways.

As for Michael (WHOSE BIRTHDAY IS TODAY!!!!), since he is a theatrical composer, maybe he can be a walking musical who is under the spell of Sweet the demon from 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer'.  It was because of Mark's experiments that Mike got exposed to the demon's powers.  They hope to track Sweet down so that the curse could be lifted. 

Sadly, if they're at the Fischer & Son Funeral Home, it's probably because they were attending the calling hours for the viewing of a friend who died.  Hopefully we can assume that this friend is fictional and only exists in Toobworld.  He or she might even be a fictional member from either of their families.  It's happened before:
  • Megan Russert & Tim Russert ('Homicide: Life On The Street')
  • Vera Louise Gorman & Art Carney ('Alice')
  • Sammy Jones & Bryant Gumbel ('The Nanny')
Or it could have been a character who had been affected by the damage caused by Mark's experiments... and the Dynamic Duo just wanted to make sure that they stayed dead!

Sorry for your loss, guys........


I'm posting this on Michael's birthday (which saves me from being investigated again by Homeland Security - again! - if I had posted something May Day related.)  

Happy birthday, Finkester!

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